Have you ever reached down inside your handbag? You know that bag you insist dragging around that gives you a terrible knot on your shoulder. You swore you needed it to carry small "necessity". Now the small necessity have reproduced on its own. Dozen of lip glosses , bottles of empty foundation and make up compacts, stack of pens, package of breath mints, old receipts, business cards, chips, enough change to feed you this week. They all seemed to have crept in.
Our lives is a lot like that handbag, we don't mean to but somehow we ended up collecting more than our poor little shoulder can bear. The insecurity of our past relationship, the demanding schedule of work, the dependency problem of our love one. All weighing down heavenly on our shoulder, causing us distress and harm. Why? because we lost the ability to let go, take control and set boundaries. This is your life, you are in control, you choose what to carry on your journey and what to leave behind or just throw away. Reach down that bag right now and start removing. You're heading on a long journey so pack light.